Dyslexia: Tools and supports for this learning disability

Chickpeas: Easy ways to eat more of this nutritious legume

Do products that claim to stop snoring actually work?

Flowers, chocolates, organ donation — are you in?

Chair yoga: Benefits of a mind-body practice without the risk of falling

Need a prescription for an ED medication? What to know about BlueChew, hims, Roman, and other online ED medication retailers

Low-carb foods: Nutritious choices for creating a sustainable diet that's lower in carbohydrates

Pilates: A good option for older adults?

A muscle-building obsession in boys: What to know and do

Calcium-rich foods: How to boost your intake of this important mineral
Stroke Archive
Getting fiber while avoiding gluten
A gluten-free diet (which omits wheat, rye, and barley) may be low in fiber, a nutrient that's important for cardiovascular health. People who avoid gluten should try to include gluten-free grains and seeds in their menus, such as amaranth, buckwheat, millet, sorghum, teff, and quinoa. Carrots, celery, kale, and kiwis contain mostly insoluble fiber, which helps you feel full and encourages regular bowel movements. Beans, nuts, seeds, and fruits (such as berries, apples, pears, and citrus fruits) are good sources of soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
Gum disease and heart health: Probing the link
About two-thirds of people over 65 have periodontal disease, which is linked to a higher risk of heart disease. Shared risk factors such as smoking and an unhealthy diet may explain the association, but bacteria and inflammation could be a common thread. The bacteria responsible for periodontal disease can travel to blood vessels throughout the body and have been found in the fatty debris (atherosclerosis) that clogs arteries located far from the mouth—and in blood clots from people who have experienced heart attacks.
Harvard study pegs the worst ultra-processed foods for your heart
A 2024 study of more than 200,000 adults, combined with findings from 19 other studies (for a total of 1.25 million people), tied eating ultra-processed foods—particularly sugary drinks and processed meats—to an increased risk for heart disease.
Short bursts of intense exercise may benefit stroke survivors
For stroke survivors, workouts that alternate high- and low-intensity exercise (known as high-intensity interval training or HIIT) may boost fitness more than moderate-intensity workouts.
What's your Brain Care Score?
The Brain Care Score is a quiz developed to help people identify proven, actionable steps to lower their risk of stroke, dementia, and depression. It includes four physical components (blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and body mass index); five lifestyle components (nutrition, alcohol intake, smoking, aerobic activities, and sleep); and three social-emotional components (stress management, social relationships, and meaning in life). Each response is given a point value, with the highest possible score totaling 21. Higher scores mean better brain care.
Chronic loneliness may raise stroke risk
A 2024 study suggests that older adults who are chronically lonely are significantly more likely to have a stroke.
Chronic loneliness linked to higher risk of stroke
In a 2024 study by Harvard researchers, people who reported feeling persistently lonely had a 56% higher risk of experiencing a stroke compared with people who did not report feelings of loneliness.
Drinks on a plane: Consider saying no
The combination of drinking alcohol and sleeping while on a plane puts a big strain on the body, especially the cardiovascular system. This is because blood oxygen normally drops slightly when flying high above sea level, sleeping, or consuming alcohol. The more contributors to low blood oxygen there are, the harder the body has to work to compensate by breathing faster and increasing heart rate. There's even more strain if someone has heart or lung disease, which places the person at a higher risk for a heart attack or stroke.

Dyslexia: Tools and supports for this learning disability

Chickpeas: Easy ways to eat more of this nutritious legume

Do products that claim to stop snoring actually work?

Flowers, chocolates, organ donation — are you in?

Chair yoga: Benefits of a mind-body practice without the risk of falling

Need a prescription for an ED medication? What to know about BlueChew, hims, Roman, and other online ED medication retailers

Low-carb foods: Nutritious choices for creating a sustainable diet that's lower in carbohydrates

Pilates: A good option for older adults?

A muscle-building obsession in boys: What to know and do

Calcium-rich foods: How to boost your intake of this important mineral
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