Stress Archive


Doomscrolling dangers

Doomscrolling is the habit of constantly scrolling online news headlines, which often blare bad news. Doomscrolling became prominent during the pandemic. It can lead to a wide range of physical and mental health effects, including headaches, muscle tension, elevated blood pressure, and existential anxiety. To offset doomscrolling, people can create boundaries around using devices that include keeping phones off their nightstand, opting out of digital notifications, focusing on local news, and asking others not to send you depressing news items.

Music as medicine

Music therapy uses personally tailored interventions such as singing, songwriting, playing an instrument, or moving to the beat to help people with a variety of health conditions manage disease symptoms and treatment side effects. Research suggests music therapy can curb stress, soothe pain, promote sleep, reduce anxiety, and improve memory and focus. People interested in accessing music therapy can ask their health care team or hospital for a referral, or look for a music therapist through the American Music Therapy Association.

Tackling the top stressors for dementia caregivers

Caring for a person with dementia is physically, emotionally, logistically, and financially demanding. Caregivers can benefit from numerous services, such as caregiver support groups; respite care; and dementia care navigators, such as the local Area Agency on Aging (which can provide a long list of resources) or a local hospital dementia care program. It can also help to speak to doctors about consolidating appointments for the person with dementia and to reach out to family and friends to ask for assistance.

Recognizing and easing the physical symptoms of anxiety

Anxiety can produce physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomach upset, and tightness in the chest. Sometimes this sets up a vicious cycle, in which anxiety triggers physical symptoms, and the symptoms magnify anxiety, which makes them even worse. Doing distracting tasks or relaxation exercises can help break this cycle. People should seek professional help if symptoms can't be controlled.

Parenting isn't easy: Two important skills can help

Parenting can be challenging, but childhood and adolescence can be difficult too. How can parents help their kids manage anger, sadness, anxiety, and handle emotionally trying times? Practicing two skills can help both your child and you.

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