Staying Healthy Archive


How to ask embarrassing medical questions

Sometimes asking certain questions at the doctor's office can be embarrassing, especially if the question involves gut problems or sexual dysfunction. To cope, it might help to speak with a doctor privately in person; to communicate with the doctor on the phone or via a patient portal; to see a specialist; to write down questions and hand them to the doctor; or to describe a problem in a professional, matter-of-fact way, using medical terms (such as "stool" or "bowel movement" instead of "poop").

Try this: Wash up

Keeping hands clean is a simple way to protect against from colds and flu. Proper handwashing involves using plenty of soap, lukewarm water and taking at least 20 seconds to clean the back of hands, between the fingers, and around the nails.

Letting the air out

Belching is a natural bodily reaction that serves as a protective mechanism against the stomach getting overinflated from swallowing too much air. Eating and drinking too fast and consuming carbonated beverages can cause excess air intake, so addressing these issues can help reduce excessive belching. Seek medical care if belching becomes frequent and causes discomfort, as it could be a sign of a digestive disorder.

Winter skin woes

Cold weather can not only lead to dry skin, but also cause or worsen other skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and seborrheic dermatitis. Frosty temperatures and dry air can break down the skin barrier, which contains substances that help seal in moisture. People can ward off or ease winter skin problems by applying creams and ointments, coating cracked skin areas with petroleum jelly, using a humidifier, taking lukewarm showers no more than once a day, and using moisturizing soaps and liquid body cleansers.

What can I expect during a sleep study?

A sleep study is performed to detect sleep apnea or other sleep disorders. It often takes place in a special lab. The person is hooked up to equipment that records the brain's activity and monitors snoring, blood oxygen levels, and other variables.

Can ice baths improve your health?

Ice baths typically happen in water that's between 50° and 60° F. Studies about their health benefits are inconclusive, but ice baths can be risky. People should never take an ice bath without someone nearby, and stay in for a maximum of 15 minutes.

Beyond the milestone: Health goals for your 50s onward

Setting health goals can help people in their 50s avoid developing a chronic condition that can hamper healthy aging. Goals can include improving balance through various exercises; learning a new skill to improve brain sharpness; seeking age-appropriate cancer screenings, such as for colorectal, cervical, and breast cancers; prioritizing bone health by boosting calcium and vitamin D intake and weight-bearing exercise; maintaining muscle strength through strength and resistance training; and paying closer attention to diet.

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